Administrative Services Bureau
Deputy Chief
Michael Bryan
The Administrative Services Section is key in determining the allocation of resources and the focus of the Police Department through its Planning and Research Unit. All departmental policies flow from this unit, which is charged with forecasting trends and setting the department's strategic goals. In this respect, Planning and Research are the driving force of the Police Department, compiling valuable data that is deployed to better serve all the diverse neighborhoods of the City of Ozark.
Planning and Research include nine sub-units: Budgeting/Purchasing, License Compliance Officer, Payroll, Human Resources & Recruitment, Training, Crime Analysis, Grant Administration, Fleet Coordinator, and the Inspections Detail.
The Administrative Division of the Ozark Police Department is responsible for the processing of all reports that are documented by Police Officers. This office is responsible for all data entry regarding offense/incident reports, alarm reports, accident reports, informational reports, and other administrative functions. This office also handles all inquiries relating to insurance agencies relating to traffic crashes and other claims associated with reports documented by Officers.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday - 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
How to obtain a report copy:
Individuals needing a report copy may come to the business office or may have a copy mailed to them by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope along with a check or money order for the report amount (fees listed below) to:
Ozark Police Department
Attention: Records
275 North Union Avenue
Ozark, Alabama 36360
(334) 774-2644
Effective April 1, 2010, the price of report copies shall increase as listed below:
Accident Report: $10.00 per report
If requesting by mail, you must include a cashier's check or money order made payable to the Ozark Police Department
Offense/Incident Report: $7.00 per report
Local Criminal History Background Checks are available if requested. The fee for this service is $4.00
You should give the Business Office 24 hours following your report prior to making a request for a copy of the information.
Should an individual need to be fingerprinted regarding background checks, this service is made available by appearing in person at the Business Office. The fee for fingerprint services is $4.00 per card.
(Fingerprinting available between the hours of 110 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday.)
Dog License: $3.00 per License
Col. Charles Ward,
Police Chief
To the citizens of Ozark, as your Chief of Police, it is my duty and responsibility to function effectively as the department's leader, as the manager of its operations and resources, and as the supervisor of each of the organization's operating divisions. I therefore pledge:
â–ª To create a professional vision for the Ozark Police Department.
▪ To build a culture within the department’s organization that supports the attainment of desired outcomes.
▪ To influence and develop public policy support for the department’s mission.
â–ª To create and maintain a competent and diverse workforce.
â–ª To ensure that policies and procedures meet professional standards; established to guide the staff and organization in day-to-day operations.
â–ª To monitor activities and assess results by collecting and analyzing performance data on a regular basis.
â–ª To manage and allocate budgets, staff, and other resources.
▪ To manage the organization’s preparation for and response to crisis situations and emergencies.
â–ª To monitor compliance with policies, standards, and legal requirements through the establishment of a systematic internal inspection and review system, and
â–ª To monitor staff performance through regular reviews and quality assessments.
My Leadership and Management Pledge
to the Citizens of Ozark
Charles Ward
Chief of Police

Jerome Niles
The Field Operations Bureau encompasses the uniform patrol and Investigative Services. Personnel assigned to the Operations Bureau account for well over 80 percent of all departmental employees.
The primary functions of the bureau are an active response to calls for service, the provision of motor vehicle enforcement, and criminal deterrence patrol. This Bureau provides a wide range of law enforcement services such as:
Conducting Patrols
Calls for Service
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Investigating Criminal Activity
The investigation of criminal activity within the city of Ozark is the responsibility of the detectives and investigative personnel assigned to this Bureau. Investigators are frequently called upon to assist with major crimes and they assist other agencies with complex ongoing investigations.
In addition to standard patrol services, the Field Operations Bureau also provides several special services to federal, state, and local agencies, as well as the citizens and visitors within the City of Ozark.
Patrol Services
Whether it is taking a theft report or responding to a shooting, the Patrol Services Division is the uniformed backbone of the Ozark Police Department. The officers of the Patrol Services are responsible for carrying out the Ozark Police Department's day-to-day mission of responding to calls for services and patrolling the City of Ozark.
In addition to providing basic police services, the Patrol Services Division is also comprised of several Officers that provide a variety
of specialized enforcement services.
School Resource Services
The School Resource Officer (SRO) is assigned to a local school and works closely with the school administration, parents, and students to provide a safe and productive learning experience.
Officer Zeneth Glenn - Carroll High School
Officer Benjamin Bond - D.A. Smith, Mixon Elementary, and Lisenby Primary